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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Don’t Make Taxpayers Bear the Brunt of Silicon Valley Hubris

Tesla is ready to crash and burn. Let it!

Mytheos Holt May 14, 2018

The defenders of Silicon Valley are fond of pointing to the many benefits that America’s tech sector has conjured, seemingly from thin air, and to the great virtues of those who run these modern day titans of industry.............. then must it not also follow that Americans will suffer if Big Tech fails?..............But, because the “disruption” craze was all the rage back when Musk brought Tesla back into the market, everyone leaped on the brand without really thinking about it. But making cars that people want is a much more complicated, and much less easily hackable enterprise than manipulating lines of code. So, for that matter, is building satellites, or sending humans into space. Yet Musk has not only tried to do all of these, but often talked the federal government into subsidizing such wild experiments.............Which is why the warning that Tesla may now be “too big to fail” is so alarming............. For the sake of showing that Icarus-esque arrogance cannot count on a blank check from Washington, it is imperative that if Tesla fails, D.C. must let its business model crash to earth unassisted..............To Read More......

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