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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Pain of the Contemporary American Orthodox Jew

But guess who the political future belongs to?

Dov Fischer September 7, 2017

I am an Orthodox Jew and, besides also being an adjunct professor of law and having practiced complex business litigation for two decades at three of America’s most prominent national law firms, I also am an Orthodox rabbi of 35 years..........

As an Orthodox Jew who used some of my undergraduate time at Columbia University to study religions, when I was not taking radical-left courses in Frantz Fanon, Samuel Melville, Malcolm X, and Marx and Engels to meet the requirements for my basic Ivy League political science major, I knew about Protestant denominations. Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Unitarians, Adventists, Witnesses, Presbyterians, Lutherans, others. But on the day when I visited the Lutheran pastor to explore whether our Jewish synagogue could pave our way to Paradise since the church thankfully had put up a parking lot, I learned further that there even are Protestant denominations within denominations..........

The mainstream media will not tell you so, but Orthodox Jews, whom every demographic study confirms are the only growing population group in American Jewish life — and doing so rapidly — are rock-ribbed Republican conservatives............

Jews going Republican conservative in a district that had been a Democrat lock for more than 80 years — the Democrats of New York responded by eradicating the district from the face of earth during the subsequent redistricting that compelled New York to eliminate two districts anyway, as that state continues losing population to warmer and more Republican climates. In other words, you may not gerrymander African Americans or Latinos out of the franchise, but you may wipe out the voting representation of conservative Republican Orthodox Jews........To Read More....Much More.....

My Take - This is an article that needs to be read.  The one thing it doesn't do is answer the question I've been asking over and over again.  Since the Democrat party is so obviously anti-Semitic - why would any Jew be a Democrat? 

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