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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Atlas Shrugs

Devout Muslims accused in plot to behead Pamela Geller due in Boston court - There are a great many devout Muslims in this country who support jihad, the Islamic State, and plots of this kind. Security is an enormous ongoing expense — please contribute here.  They were coming to kill me because I am American and I live free. Because I believe in freedom and individual rights. Because I refuse to adhere to the blasphemy laws under the shariah (Islamic law). Because I will not abridge my freedoms in submission to savages. The results of a pollshowing alarmingly high levels of support for sharia law and violence among the American Muslim community. According to the nationwide survey, “significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and its...

Pamela Geller on NewsTalk Radio| Obama Policy Could Make Hitler Look Like a Goof Off - Listen to my segment this week on Jamie Allman in the Morning on 97 TalkRadio. I do a segment with Jamie every Wednesday, in addition to my weekly segments with Jaz McKay on KNZR (1560 AM and 97.7 FM) every Tuesday at 4pm, and Sam Sorbo, Tuesdays at 11:30 am Eastern. Tune in, make it a part of your regular radio listening schedule.  “If you’re an African nation and you’re not gay friendly you get a scolding from President Obama… if you’re an Islamic nation and you’re not gay friendly you get a nuke deal,” says Jamie.

NY Muslim Who Threatened to BEHEAD His Daughter ARRESTED for AIDING, RECRUITING for ISIS (Islamic State) - Another Lackawanna jihad plot — remember, The Buffalo Six, aka the Lackawanna Six, but also the Lackawanna Cell, or Buffalo Cell, a group of six Muslims convicted of providing material support to Al Qaeda. Now jihad in America is daily. Arafat M. Nagi was arrested by federal officials for knowingly attempting to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Nagi, 44, is an American citizen who lived in a house on Olcott Avenue in Lacakwanna. Nagi said in Federal Court on Wednesday that he used to work as a delivery man for a medical supply company, but that he hasn’t worked since 2009. He is divorced and has a 23-year-old son and 21-year-old daughter. Nagi was arrested in 2013 for...

Jihad-terror prisoners who were segregated for religious bullying of other inmates win taxpayer-funded challenges at the Supreme Court that it was unlawful - Bear in mind that the prison system is a hotbed of jihad recruitment and widespread conversion of inmates is a worldwide problem. An inordinate number of jihad-terror plots involve Muslims converted to Islam in prison. If these activities were treated like acts of war and not “law enforcement” issues, these absurd and ridiculous rulings would not be possible. This unconscionable and feckless decision is the poisonous fruit of the denial of jihadic doctrine and its objectives. The savages who filed a long-running and expensive legal suit (funded by the kuffar taxpayer) against the British penal system were guilty of, among other things, a WMD plot with RICIN, a plot to launch suicide attacks on flights from Heathrow to...
ISIS Plans Massive Attack in India and Provoke “End of the World” — “Armageddon,” “Apocalyptic Confrontation” with America  - A recruitment document has revealed the Islamic State’s (ISIS) “grand ambition” to ignite a war in India, build a new terror army in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world” situation. The document also urges the world to ‘swallow the bitter truth’ that the caliphate will survive and prosper until it takes over the entire globe and beheads every last person who rebels against Allah. Obama’s response? His Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson said — wait for it that the government will call such attacks “violent extremism” over “Islamic terrorism” out of respect for the Muslim community. Jeh Johnson announced this policy mandate...

Georgia Muslim who tried to join Islamic State had Facebook page featuring “death to America jihad rhetoric” - I am sure Obama and his treasonous administration are scratching their heads for motive. It’s to laugh, it’s to cry (Bugs Bunny) Again I ask, if the Islamic State is not Islamic, what is it? How did this “misunderstanding” of Islam become so widespread? Why are tens of thousands of Muslims from the US, UK, Europe etc joining the Islamic State? And another mosque behind jihad activity — Al-Farooq. The Mosques Behind Jihad Attacks in America – Breitbart This is why AFDI does the work we do — to increase awareness of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and put an end to the denial and willful ignorance about that threat, so that we adopt of effective counter-terror measures based on that...

Cameroon authorities close mosques and Islamic centres to counter Boko Haram threat - “Cameroonian authorities have ordered all mosques and Islamic centres to be shut in northern parts of the country.” Cameroonian authorities clearly don’t buy the nonsense that Obama and Kerry and Biden and David Cameron and all the other Western leaders peddle, that Islamic jihad terror has nothing to do with Islam. In Cameroon, they know where jihad comes from, and what must be done to stop it.  Maybe if the mosques work for real reform and expunge the Quran of the texts and teachings that encourage violence, hatred, misogyny, Jew-hatred, and more, they wouldn’t have been breeding grounds for Boko Haram activity, and authorities wouldn’t have had to take this step. But how much subversion are non-Muslim...

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