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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TSA Cleared Former Domestic Terrorist for PreCheck Lane

By Ali Meyer

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) cleared a "notorious convicted felon" to use the TSA’s PreCheck lanes, according to an Office of Inspector General (OIG) of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report.  According to the TSA, PreCheck “allows low-risk travelers to experience expedited, more efficient security screening at participating U.S. airport checkpoints.” The report was titled “Allegation of Granting Expedited Screening through TSA PreCheck Improperly.” "The traveler is a former member of a domestic terrorist group," said the report. "While a member, the traveler was involved in numerous felonious criminal activities that led to arrest and conviction. After serving a multiple-year sentence, the traveler was released from prison."
TSA determines whether a traveler is eligible for membership in the PreCheck program by evaluating “applicant biographic information and fingerprints against intelligence, law enforcement, and immigration automated data systems.” "TSA will deny membership to an applicant confirmed to be a match to an intelligence-based data system, convicted of any of the 28 disqualifying criminal offenses, or not a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident," says the report……To Read More…..

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